

Featured Weddings

Jennifer & Justin ~ Palm Beach Wedding
Courtney & Dale~ Pompano Beach Wedding
Sara & Jon~ Miami Wedding
Ron & Onica~ St. Louis Wedding
Nneka & Wayne~ Benvenuto Wedding
Rayna & Anas~ Fort Lauderdale Beach Wedding
Stephanie & Justin~ Ft. Meyers Wedding
John & Andie~ Tennessee Farm Wedding
Joyce & Jim ~ Nebraska Barn Wedding
Jason & Elisa- Bar Harbor Wedding

Featured Portrait Sessions

Albert & Alexandra's Save the Date Session
Andrew's Graduation Session
Mommy & Me Beach Session
The Stoudt Family Session
The Van Wheeler Family Holiday Session
Sara & Jon's Engagement Session
Baby Thomas' Newborn Session

Random Hearts Collection

Random Hearts

About Kim

"Tell me the facts and I'll learn. Tell me the truth and I'll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever."
Native American Proverb

    Hi there! I'm Kim, a portrait and event photographer based in Florida and I love a good story. I believe stories really are the best way to remember something. 

Photography is how I tell my stories and yours. Whether it's the story of your wedding day or a family portrait, a birthday party or a graduation, photos capture a moment in time. I've been photographing weddings and other events since 2002 and I remember something special, a story, from every single one. 

    My hope is that when you look at my photos, you'll be able to see the story: the joy in people's faces, or the love, or the pure emotion of that day. That's my favorite part, capturing how you feel so you can relive it in the years to come. To be able to look back and remember through photos, how something felt is a gift. I hope that shows. 
